Undertaking Initiatives for the Common Good

As a family foundation, we are guided first and foremost by the principle of “giving back” which was instilled in us by our parents, Dale and Nancy Olseth. Their steadfast commitment to philanthropy was a cornerstone of our family ethos. We are proud to represent our parents by carrying on the legacy of generosity within local communities. We do this by supporting organizations within four sectors: Arts, Education, Environment, and the Underserved. These are our ‘pillars’ and within each there are many deserving and vital organizations that serve ever-growing needs.  To maximize the impact of our philanthropy, we have refined our focus on five specific initiatives that we believe will make meaningful strides toward solving complex societal issues. We thank our partner organizations for their “boots on the ground” efforts, which helps move us forward on these important initiatives.

Cheryl Olseth, Jon Olseth and Karen Solomon,
Directors, Olseth Family Foundation


Current Initiatives

Plant & Animal Species Conservation

Safeguard ecosystems through species diversity

Carbon Reduction & Clean Energy

Support climate change education & carbon reduction solutions

Dignity, Respect & Equality

Foster fairness and inclusion for a healthier society

Food & Housing Security

Meet fundamental needs for individuals and families

Arts, Culture & Education

Enrich lives through experiential learning

Olseth Writing Residency Program

Would you like to get away to finish your novel, short story, memoir or poetry collection? Or do you need resources to attend a writing workshop? 

The Olseth Writing Residency Program provides Oregon writers with the opportunity to work on independent writing projects or to attend a writer’s workshop. You can choose the place, as long as it’s in the United States. The purpose of the residency is to give recipients the opportunity to grow as writers.

We encourage all types of writers to apply, but you must be an Oregon resident and at least 21 years old. The grant will provide up to $2,000 for lodging and workshop fees, as well as a $65 daily stipend for food and beverages. The residency does not cover transportation costs. 

Grant applications will be accepted from March 20 – May 1 for 2025.  Only the first 50 applications will be considered. Four grants will be awarded.

Recharge Minnesota EV Ride & Drive Events

Want to see the latest EV models and maybe even give them a spin? Check out one of Recharge’s EV Ride & Drive events this spring and summer and get a feel for the overall benefits of clean energy beyond the cool driving experience. Olseth Family Foundation supports Recharge and its mission to help strengthen communities by working with local leaders, businesses, schools, and energy transportation groups that foster a home-grown clean energy future. Use the link below to learn more.


  • Mankato, Minnesota – April 12, 2025 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Snell Motors
  • St. James, Minnesota – May, 17, 2025 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, St. James Middle & High School
  • Austin, Minnesota- June 12, 2025, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Riverland Community College
  • Boston, Massachusetts – July 26, 2025, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, location tbd

Archive of Dave Olseth’s Artwork Now Available Online

Beloved artist, son of Dale and Nancy Olseth, died tragically in 2001

Dave Olseth was a beloved artist who lived in Whitefish, Montana. Dave became well-known in Whitefish for his vibrant chalk murals, featured each month at the Dire Wolf Pub, a popular bar and pizza restaurant. Many of Dave’s paintings are bright, colorful impressionistic landscapes of the scenery around Whitefish and Glacier Park.

On August 5, 2001, Dave died in a cycling accident on Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park. He was 30 years old. Dave loved the outdoors, and he spent much of his time hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and skiing. Growing up, in Hopkins, Minnesota, Dave’s first love was skateboarding, and because of this, Dave’s parents, Nancy and Dale Olseth, helped fund the building of the Dave Olseth Memorial Skate Park.

An archive of his work was recently made available online. Use the link below to visit the site.